Celebration Company empowers adults with disabilities to create high-quality products and art that celebrate the joy of life. Through our work, we aim to educate our consumers about the importance of disability rights as human rights and make a global impact by fostering a community of artists, advocates, and allies.
Joan and Stanford Alexander Jewish Family Service began to dream of Celebration Company when we recognized the reality of the nearly complete lack of services that were then available to adults with disabilities and their families in the early 2000’s. Professionals and lay leaders alike began to search for a way to fill this void. Our research took us around the country to look at programs big and small. We soon learned that a key factor in building a program that would impact the individual, the family and the community would need to provide meaningful employment to our participants. Additionally providing the transportation to our location would turn out to be a critical piece in meeting the needs of the families. We are very fortunate to have found the support within our community to provide those two things as the basis of our service.

Celebration Company was designed by dreamers for dreamers and it continues to dream. We designed our work around the simchas of life and our most successful product is our hand rolled beeswax candles whose perfect light illuminates our homes and our souls for Chanukah every year. We created social opportunities around shared meals and shared accomplishments. The art program offers an opportunity for individual expression through paper making, painting and other mediums. The newest dreamers amongst us have now designed and built a beautiful, safe space that offers our participants the chance to do all that and more.

We continue to grow from our original 3 day a week program of about 12 participants to our current 5 day a week program serving over 40 members of the community. The participants themselves are now an active part of the shaping of the program as they work and grow individually and together. At Celebration Company our intention is that the evolution should be a reflection of each individual who has passed our way, professionals, lay leaders, volunteers and most importantly those we serve will be our dreamers of this future.