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Memorial Stones

Memorial Stones

Regular price $2.50
Regular price Sale price $2.50

116 in stock

These beautiful, unique glass stones are a meaningful, lovely way for you to memorialize your loved one and be placed on their headstone.

  The act of placing visitation stones is significant in Jewish bereavement practices. Small stones are placed by people who visit Jewish graves in an act of remembrance or respect for the deceased. The practice is a way of participating in the mitzvah of burial.

These one-of-a-kind uniquely designed glass stones are made by Celebration Company employees using colorful glass pieces and fired in the kiln to over 1400 degrees.

The stones shown in these in the photos are examples and may not be available, let us pick out some beautiful ones from our current selection for you.

Stones vary in size, from 1/2 inch across to nearly 2 inches across, you will receive a random, lovely selection design.
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